Based on a much larger group of professionals in Los Angeles by the same name, the purpose of The Table is to bring together writers, producers, directors, actors and other industry people, who may have projects they need help with or want advice on; while others in the group may be between projects and want to get involved in something.
Joe told meeting participants of his own project he was working on – a documentary of local radio station KTYD – and how people from The Table were getting involved with and helping him with his

He said The Table starts with someone talking about their project and what they need in the way of help in taking it to the next phase. He then went around the room and asked people what they were working on.
SASB President, Rashi Bahri, said she has completed several short films, one of which was included in the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. A recent mom, Rashi said she has purchased a Canon 5D Mark II and for her newest project she wants to capture the world through the eyes of an infant. She wants to work with an editor as the project progresses.
Marjorie Shields has written a few short pieces but not sure what to do next. Joe suggested getting a short story out there on the social networks and seeing where it goes. He said publishers, editors, producers, etc. are constantly combing the Internet looking for new talent.
Lisa Angle, SASB Vice President, is rebuilding her website and working on a novel that is part of a trilogy. She has been a camera operator and produced many television segments for local access TV. She’s hoping she can connect with someone to coach her.
Mary-Ann Vanover, SASB Event Coordinator, is working on a memoir/travel/historic book based on her many trips to Italy. She’s having trouble organizing her journals. Joe suggested she start a blog to show people what she’s up to and gain valuable feedback.
Guy Goldstein is working on a screenplay about a Zombie detective. He has also created a computer program that compares your script to great scripts in hopes to answer the question “What’s so bad about my script.” Joe suggested he market his screenplay ideas directly to smaller production companies owned by actors that might be interested.
Mark Ravitz is a filmmaker and wants to work with others in the group on projects. He said each project is like a duel.
Ellen Sherwood, a caterer from Ojai, is shopping around a comedy adventure book and is working on a second book of interviews with fascinating people. She found a number of people in the group interesting.
One attendee wanted to know about self publishing a book, so the SASB Director at Large, Ernie Witham, who writes a humor column called Ernie’s World for the Montecito Journal, talked about his two books which were co-published. Similar to self-publishing, except that he worked with a real publisher who has a distributor so his books are available anywhere. He has a memoir set in 1969 that he wants to keep true to the time period and he is looking for help.
Others talked about film projects they had worked on in different capacities and projects they hoped to get involved with.
Joe concluded the meeting by congratulating the group on a highly successful “Table” and invited anyone in the group to attend the Santa Barbara Table held at Max’s Restaurant on Wednesday evenings.
People stayed well after the meeting networking with each other about their projects.
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